This past Saturday, the wife and I decided that our shutters on the house needed a fresh coat of paint. Our mailbox was tired and needed to be replaced, as well. So, we decided to take the day and fix both of them.
Around 10am we went to the local Home Depot to pick out some colors for the shutters and the new black mailbox that we bought. We had picked out a basic mailbox with the intent of painting it to match... blah blah blah who cares? You still haven't heard my 'holy crap' moment.... I'm getting there. Flash to 11:30, and I'm pulling down the shutters for the wife to clean, and then together we paint.

Yes. My late night sessions watching Animal Planet and paying attention in school (yes, I did occasionally do that) paid off. That black 'weighty' thing that crawled on my hand was a black widow. Surprisingly, I had my 'holy crap' moment; it wasn't a holy-crap-my-pants though.
I lived, and so did my little killer. I took the pictures, then walked it up the street a bit, then deposited it in one of the storm drains on the street.
After the shock of the "I could've just died" wears off, (safely) examining a live black widow is fascinating. It's stunning just how black they are. And SHINY!
Good to know she didn't get you, man. Srsly.
I don't think I have ever seen anything that was a deeper, more perfect black, in nature... ever.
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