So, I've taken up a new hobby at my current job. I am the unofficial, official, nap police. Let me pause here for my past work environment and job ethics....
In past jobs, I am used to people who are lazy. People who come across as unconcerned about the overall future progress of the company. People that
kill the joe and don't make some 'mo. People that decide to keep entire spice and condiment racks in their office, which happens to be 3 doors down from the private kitchenette in the office (complete with a family sized Mrs. Butterworth's). I'm used to people who are habitually tardy to work. These same people are never late to functions while at work, and so engaged in them that it was shocking to me.
In my new position at my new job, the above 'quirks' do not exist. People are up-front, punctual, and motivated. I've gone Yang, when I'm so used to Ying. To complete the cycle it seems fine to come in 20 minutes late. It's accepted if you need to leave, answer a phone call, complete other work, or start an entire new meeting with the current members... all during a meeting. and last its totally OK to just fall asleep in a meeting, be it large or small. Even if you snore. Its not uncommon to see drool. No one seems to care.
So, back to reality (oops there goes gravity); I've taken it upon myself to take pictures of these people. I have about 20. Its kinda like that late 90's fad Pokémon; I have to catch them all. To date, I've got people nodding, people pretending to be reading their crackberries, and people "resting" on the palm of their hand. I've seen them slouch down in the chair, prop it against the wall, or put their heads over the back pad in an awkward 90-degree-neck-angle. I've seen droolers, snorers, and that odd person that does the nod-then-look-surprised-then-amused thing. Some with head-in-hands examining their shoes, cuddled up like they have a blanky, and nearly spooning the person next to them. Mouths open like a bird bath, glasses slid all the way down their face like an old man and a newspaper on sunday. Shit.. I've even seen people come to them in slippers!
I don't know what it takes to build a work culture that accepts this, but damn its funny. I suppose I do this to avoid becoming one of the sleeping herd. Who cares though? The best part about all this is people are starting to look at me like some sort of NARC. Which means I tend to have open chairs next to me, which means I have more room. So... all good. Just... hilarious.
**Unfortunately (for you) I won't be posting the pics, as the eyes are a big part of the proving sleep; and thats the one thing you have to censor with out having permission from the person to post. Trust me, it happens. Every meeting. Without fail.