The phone rings and a call is logged. Having called into many different call centers, and worked on four in my life; I will try to accurately depict my outlook on the way a help desk ticket lives within a business. Know now that this is merely my opinion and is based in my reality, alone.
From an end user, or customer, stand point, I typically call in frustrated that whatever it is I am trying to do is not working. I know my tone comes across agitated and annoyed. I expect that the person on the other end of the phone will not only be able to deal with this, but do so with an audible smile.
From a technician, or analyst, stand point, I answer the phone with my best ‘voice’ on; something someone close to me calls “giving good phone”. I know that the person on the other end of the phone has been set back in what ever they are doing due to a technical problem. I expect that they will be upset and frustrated, and expect that I am both savvy and courteous.
This is the way that all of my dealings go, and the way I will always expect them to transpire. Despite this knowledge, I still find myself dreading both ends of the transaction. I suppose that I should take respite in the fact that most of incoming calls I can handle, or at least know where to turn for assistance. I suppose my expectations should remain the same.
1 comment:
I feel ya, bruva. It takes a special person to listen to problems all day. It's tough when you're expected to be upbeat in spite of what may be going on in your own life.
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